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Commodité offers meticulously handcrafted urban essentials designed to seamlessly blend therapeutic benefits with practical functionality. Each product is thoughtfully crafted to elevate daily living experiences, providing both comfort and style in equal measure.

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  • William Loh

    I love their products very much!!! The essential oil is concentrated and 2 or 3 drops are enough to last for the day! The N03 pillow mist is my favourite! It improved my sleep and even my mom agreed after she has tried!

  • Lee Leen

    Love the scent, packaging, everything!! Keep up the great products and services. Will recommend to my friends and family!

  • Steph Tan

    My 'go-to' sanitiser. Dislike the smell of strong alcohol and how drying some sanitisers can be. This one, just right. I use it for my hands, door knobs, tables, chairs, my car seats - everything!